Should You Floss Before Or After You Brush Your Teeth

Dental hygiene is an important part of keeping you and your body clean, it can provide you with confidence as well as improve your overall look if your teeth are healthy. An essential part of keeping your teeth and gums healthy is flossing; the most oft overlooked part of dental hygiene. Flossing gets the parts that a toothbrush and mouthwash struggle to reach and people who don’t floss often are at a much higher risk for cavities and gum infection. Here are some tips that you can use so you never forget to floss.

The first and probably the most important tip according to Dental SCV, is to put your floss in a place that makes you unable to ignore it. Rest it against your mouthwash or next to your toothbrush to ensure that every time you brush, you floss. Now that you are sure that you won’t forget to floss, time to talk about the actual act of flossing. To floss correctly, you need to make sure you take quite a long piece of floss, anywhere from 10-18 inches should be an ample amount for one session. The next thing you need to do is hold the floss in a way that will ensure tension, whether you grip it between your fingers or wrap it around a finger, make sure that you have a firm grip on the floss.

When it comes to the actual flossing, dental floss benefits suggest that you should always remember to be gentle. Your gums are extremely sensitive and being too aggressive with your flossing can often lead to bleeding gums and general discomfort. Gently slide the floss in between your teeth and use a back and forwards rubbing motion to remove any plaque or bits of food that may be stuck in the gaps between your teeth. Either wash the floss or reposition it in your hands to ensure that you floss each gap with clean floss. When you have completed flossing all of your teeth (even the back side of your last teeth) rinse out with water and mouthwash to ensure any loose bits of plaque or bacteria are washed from your mouth. Remember to throw out any used pieces of floss as they will not be as useful for a second use.

Flossing is known to protect your mouth from bacteria which can cause cavities, gum irritation, and even gum disease. Remember to use the most effective dental mouthwash and floss, so that you and your teeth can remain healthy and shining bright!